Wednesday, 23 February 2011

PC-based Flight Simulator: Is it a game or a Flight Simulator?

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There are plenty of computer flight simulators. Are you the owner or are considering a game or a true training device?

Some of the factors that affect the answer is the objective, the program was designed for realism, which is built into the program and performance aspects, that you think is important. Let us discuss them one by one.

Why was the simulator designed in the first place: it was intended to be a game or a serious tool for use in flight training? If the goal was to make a game costs had to be a big factor as games are very price sensitive. Relative ease of use and entertainment value is also important considerations. Successful games offer just the right balance between challenge and ease of use. But easy or hard, make a game fun!

An aeroplane games can be "fun" without being very realistic. If you have fun, who cares about the other factors?

If the application was intended to be used as a training or flight demonstration unit, shall enter a whole different set of design goals in play. Although still important, price is not nearly as critical as in the gaming world. Any PC-based Flight Simulator will of course be millions less than full-motion simulator professional.

Realism is probably the most important factor. But realism applies to several aspects: aircraft appearance, the reproduction of scenery on Earth, the portrayal of the inner side of the cockpit, the appearance and instruments and aircraft flying characteristics of the action.

Among these are aircraft flying characteristics are probably the most important if the application is to be taken seriously as a simulator pilots need to learn new skills or preserve existing. Simulator as not "fly" like real aircraft is Close to worthless as a training device. Why sailing qualities are so important.

A close second is the realism built into the instruments. They should look similar to the real thing and perform like the real thing. Each pilot knows that the magnetic compass has characteristics that must be understood and compensated while flying, especially while sailing with regard to the instruments only. The program should model this action be considered a viable training device.

Almost every program, including flight simulator programs are compromises of conflicting demands. Ultimately depends on whether your application is a game or a Flight Simulator, to a large extent, your state of mind.

The author is a Certified Flight Instructor CFI () who think PC-based flight simulators such as Pro Flight Simulator can be very useful in learning or maintaining pilotage skills. Learn about one of, if not the, most realistic flight simulators here:

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