Wednesday, 23 February 2011

A Holy Paladin guide to Wows disaster

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The Holy Paladin in WoW is for players who like to be support behind the front. You will never do much in the way of the damage, but you will be able to do other nearly unkillable. You will be able to remove toxins and diseases and break effects, as the root team in place, as well as a number of other things. All in all you a valuable addition to any team.

While disaster changed the world Azeroth was the leading 4.0 patch, which made wholesale changes talent system, powers and abilities, etc. In more than one producing countries which, it was a "whole new world".

The general way to new talent system works is quite the same as the old system, but many talents were scrapped, other changed, new talents were added, and so on. You have at level 85 41 talent points to spend compared with the old system with 71 at level 80.

In addition to this each class unique abilities for each won by its specialisation. Retribution Paladins, for example get Templars judgment as one of their abilities and holy Paladins will never get this ability, even if they take Retribution talents. The same is true in reverse course. Retired Pallies will never get the sacrificial offerings.

At level 10 you pick your specialisation and the specific skills that you get to the plucking of the Holy specialization are these:

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